Thursday, October 31, 2013

All Hallows Eve

It is Halloween, all the goblins and ghosts are coming out to find their treats by knocking on your door in their ghoulish costumes. Those in the Halloween spirit play tricks that may scare the heck out of some poor kid.  I remember my son wanting to be a Power Ranger or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and having to walk around with him and my niece door to door in our neighborhood. She was dressed as some sort of princess. Power Rangers have been on TV for about 20 years now and the hero's in the half shell still come on too. I use the Power Rangers ring tone on my phone for my son, and now I am teaching my grandson that song and the teenage mutant ninja turtle song so he can sing it to his dad over and over. Payback is a Mother! Lol. My niece is now in college dressing like Pikachu from Pokemon for Halloween. To each his/her own I guess.

About this time of year, I get really discouraged, the days get really short, it's cold and before Halloween is done, Xmas trees go up in the store and the mass marketing of the holidays begin.  Some places begin playing Xmas music before Thanksgiving, much to my dismay and sheer annoyance. Thanksgiving and it's turkey is run over and killed by the Xmas reindeer and all the super sales that are going to happen on black Friday and beyond. In fact, commercialism is what makes Xmas a less wonderful time of the year by adding more stress to the pockets of those trying to fill the stockings with the latest gifts. I on the other hand, give gift cards, my motto is go buy it yourself, stand in line and get what YOU want. I will be at home sipping wine and working on my over due blog post. Even shopping online becomes a bit much during this wonder-not time of the year. Can we throw back Holidays on Thursday memories. 

Tomorrow all the Halloween candy will be on sale and costumes will be put away for another year. Halloween never ends for some, they will continue to dress in costumes long after the day is over. They can have an extra day or two if they celebrate with the Mexican culture, cause it's celebrated the first two days of November, instead of on our one day/night. Day of the Dead is one of my favorite holidays.

Dia de Los Muertos, Day of the Dead is an interesting holiday celebrated in central and southern Mexico during the chilly days of November 1 & 2. Even though this coincides with the Catholic holiday called All Soul's & All Saint’s Day, the indigenous people have combined this with their own ancient beliefs of honoring their deceased loved ones.

They believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.

In most Indian villages, beautiful altars (ofrendas) are made in each home. They are decorated with candles, buckets of flowers (wild marigolds called cempasuchil & bright red cock's combs) mounds of fruit, peanuts, plates of turkey mole, stacks of tortillas and big Day-of-the-Dead breads called pan de muerto. The altar needs to have lots of food, bottles of soda, hot cocoa and water for the weary spirits. Toys and candies are left for the angelitos, and on Nov. 2, cigarettes and shots of mezcal are offered to the adult spirits. Little folk art skeletons and sugar skulls, purchased at open-air markets, provide the final touches.

Day of the Dead is a very expensive holiday for these self-sufficient, rural based, indigenous families. Many spend over two month's income to honor their dead relatives. They believe that happy spirits will provide protection, good luck and wisdom to their families. Ofrenda building keeps the family close.

On the afternoon of Nov. 2, the festivities are taken to the cemetery. People clean tombs, play cards, listen to the village band and reminisce about their loved ones. Tradition keeps the village close. Day of the Dead is becoming very popular in the U.S.~ perhaps because we don't have a way to celebrate and honor our dead, or maybe it's because of our fascination with it's mysticism.

Day of the Dead is celebrated throughout Mexico and the Catholic world... Italy, Spain, South America and the Philippines all celebrate All Souls and All Saints Day on November 1st and 2nd. Special Masses and perhaps cleaning of the cemetery tombs are part of the traditional activities... it's only in Central and Southern Mexico where the colorful parties take place in the cemeteries and elaborate ofrenda altars are built in the homes to honor specific family members who have passed on. -

On this chilly November 1st, I will begin to celebrate my birthday, 14 days before the actual day, and begin to give myself a small gift everyday, culminating with the big gift on my birthday. It may not be celebrated throughout the country, but it is designed to honor me. One thing I do remember growing up was that family forgot my birthday for whatever reason and didn't treat it like the special day that it was, so it became my goal to celebrate me and my day in a way that left me feeling good, and not feeling hurt because no one remembered. You all know who you are! This year's self gift is a pair of boots from Dr. Marten's website, another pair of shit kickers this time with studs on them! I give the very best, cause I'm worth it! and of course I rock it like no other chick can! Plus, if I have to stomp on any giftmeister's, I will totally crush them with my mighty boots of doom! I Will wear them with my new studded sleeveless jean jacket. Besides some forgetting my birthday, they would give me a gift after Xmas, that just put the icing on the cake. Let them eat that cake, I prefer cheesecake instead. 

As always, art is a good gift to give on any occasion, Sculpture is the perfect gift. There are plenty of artists who would love to sell you their work and will even wrap it up with a nice bow. Some will even negotiate the price with you, how may stores will do that! Everything does not have to match your decor, sculpture fits nicely anywhere. I'm just sayin'. I do not give the gift of art to family. They like their material gifts purchased in a store, not handmade by me or any of my crafty friends.

This year, I do not expect to get trick or treater's knocking at my door, the building is secure and the management has a Halloween event planned for the kids in the neighborhood. Wonder if they will have reindeer games for the kids at Xmas.

The gift of giving, and good will towards men/women sometimes is second to all the hoopla. For Xmas this year, I would like to adopt a dog, a companion that I can share my madness with and I can rub their tummy at the same time. We shall see about this one. Don't want to have to stomp some giftmeister with my studded boots, cause they are tryin' to trample over my Xmas dog to get to some sale item. Don't want giftmeister goo on my boots.

I will be back tripping the art light fantastic next time. Seems that my posts go out on these throw back Thursdays which are always fun. Have some scary fun and watch a few scary movies, check out the crib keeper and his ghoulish stories, or go to Georgetown to see all the frightening people who are out and about, or scare yourself out of your costume by looking in the mirror, cause you know you shouldn't leave the house with it on! You know who you are! LOL 

Happy Throw back Thursday. Happy Halloween! Feliz dia de los Muertos!

Same blog time, same blog channel!

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