Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Artomatic Artist Profile

I have spent the past few days trying to gather more information to share with you besides just doing photo essays. That would be boring, even though I have plenty of pictures to post, I will post them after this one. 

One of the things really taking off at Artomatic is the FREE beer & wine tasting on Wednesday and Thursdays from 6-7pm, held by the Washington Wine Academy, as well as the professional development series that happen after from 7-9pm.  Funny how the word spread about free alcohol and everybody is there now.  I had to help pour beer and being a beer connoisseur, more so than wine, I felt right at home.  Not to mention the fact that I got to drink any beer left over at the end. This way, like everyone else, I get my drink on for free.  Beer at the bar is $4, wine $5, so why not get free tastings, saves a few bucks.

I've met more interesting people at Artomatic and I hope to post their profiles soon.  I am very happy to post my first Artomatic Artist Profile of Sarah Chittenden, a local artist and artomatic participant.  I met Sarah while doing my volunteer shift during installation.  Since then, we have become friends and have hung out at artomatic events.  Viewing her work reminds me of the colors in a kaleidoscope and I'm  fascinated with the combinations of  colors created on the bulb.  The way the color is applied gives depth and transparency that's not over bearing. 


25 years ago, I wrote my first art-related New Year’s resolution: “This year, I will take a painting class.” The desire was strong, but the fear of failure was stronger. I did not take a class that year. In fact, every year for the following 19 years, I made the same New Year's resolution - and did not follow through.

Finally, in January 2007 I signed up for my first painting class, “Abstract Painting and Beyond,” taught by Jim Burford at The Art League in Alexandria. Over the following several years I studied oil, acrylic, and multi-media on canvas, and I took classes in anatomical drawing, charcoal drawing, pottery, metal jewelry, metal sculpture, and stone sculpture. I couldn't get enough, couldn't learn enough. Still can't.

About two years ago, I became fascinated by the prismatic effects of crystal and light, and I created light catchers, chandeliers and candelabras. Next, I created trees made of brass, copper, and steel wire which incorporated crystals of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Fascinated by the intensely colored reflections and intricate shadows of prisms and crystals, I explored ways to create that same intensity, but on a larger scale, potentially creating a stronger visceral and emotional reaction in the viewer.

After much trial and error, I have come to use a heat-resistant paint, applied in many layers onto a light bulb, and I use the size, shape, and intensity of the light bulb's filament along with the size and shape of the bulb to create a feathering, flowing, and folding of color and design. I call it Painted Light.

Painted Light allows—even encourages—the viewer to become an integral component to the art piece itself by interacting with it directly. By rotating the lamp, changing the distance of the bulb from the canvas, or by changing the surface on which, or through which, the bulb is projected, the viewer can continually reinvent the projected image.

Artomatic represents the fifth time that my art has been seen in a public space, all in the last nine months, and what a pleasure it has been! I recently created an installation for Boundless Yoga, a top-notch yoga studio located at 13th and U, NW. It is comprised of six 8-inch deep wooden window boxes with a stretched semi-transparent white fabric on each side - and a lamp in between - allowing both the yoga students and the outside passersby to enjoy them at night.
Jelly Beans

Most recently, I've begun designing lamps, shades, and fixtures that could work especially well with the painted light bulbs. Because of a painted light bulb's portability, interchangeability, and sheer beauty, I believe lighting projects of this nature are ideal for creating mood and ambiance in restaurants, bars, spas, salons, and home spaces, and am actively looking for opportunities for commissioned projects. The possibilities are endless…and so is the desire.

Sarah's work can be seen at Artomatic. She is on the 11th floor space 122.

 I met a very interesting artist names Marie-Dominique Bonet de le Bernardie. Her work is on the 3rd floor space 210.  She uses mixed media to tell her story. The glass mosaic tile (shinny objects) attracted me to her work. It reminds me of ancient mosaic tiles and murals that break the timeless boundary appearing relevant and contemporary in today's society.   Her use of fabric and elements that seems to speak from a woman's perspective about social status and pride within ones cultural background.  Betty Saar comes to mind when looking at her work.  A collection of things arranged and manipulated in a way to create a social statement within an environment or setting where each element has meaning and when combined together tell the story.

Exotic and regal scents waft its way through the installation, intentional or not it brings forth an old, wise spirit whose eyes have viewed these objects many times before, but always sees something unique and new within them every time they are seen. 

I don't want to misinterpret anyone's work and would rather have her talk about her meaning and intention, but my opinion as stated above is how her work made me feel and think when I saw it. The combination of of the mosaics, paintings and clothing arranged almost like an altar was intriguing. Marie was very friendly and talked with a thick french accent.  I did not find out where she is from, so I'm not sure what role her heritage plays in her exhibit.

 Yes there will be profiles of male artist, as soon as they send me their information.

Come meet the me and other artist at Meet the Artist Night at Artomatic, Saturday, June 2, 8-10pm I will be there in my space 3rd floor 138. Look for StoneWomynArt. Love to meet and greet with you.

Sunday Funday at Baileys on Crystal Drive at 5pm. Wear your Artomatic bracelet that  you get at the door and come to Baileys for happy hour drink prices.  A special for Artomatic participants and patrons. 5-10pm.  Check my facebook page, I plan to post a notice about it. Put it in your calendar, don't forget.

More profiles and updates coming soon, same blog time, same blog channel!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Artomatically Insane!

The Opening for Artomatic was insane! What was I thinking that I could post live that night. Too much happening, and too much moving around to get clear pictures, but I did get a few. Besides missing the season finale of Grimm, my phone died...perfect! Whats the purpose of  a full charge!

The evening started early for me. First, the VIP Reception where they had guest speakers. Call me a bad blogger for not getting their names, but it was hard enough trying to hear them.They were the people who made Artomatic possible in Crystal City. I met the representatives for the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Parks and Recreation Prince Georges County, who will  purchase artwork from Artomatic participants who live, work, or have their studio in PG County. Connected with a few  people I have met while working on this project, which was nice.  There were also a few other participating artists at the reception, so I wasn't totally alone. So I took a few pictures.

Opening Night
Then the fun began! well sort of, part of my purpose for being there was to meet with the Co-Chairman of Artomatic George Koch who is also the creator of the Professional Development Series for Artomatic, which I  help coordinate. My task at the conclusion of my meeting, was to put posters in the two rooms being used as workshops for the series.  After doing that, I began to walk around and managed to get a few pictures that I didn't get to post Friday night. Talked with the Avi Wisinia band members, they were great to listen to and very nice guys. Julie Mack, a singer who was doing her volunteer shift on opening night, she performed the next night at Artomatic. Another artist, LenDeh Sherman whose work was very interesting and full of culture and heritage from Haiti, had work on the wall and floor (below).  I managed to post LenDeh and Avi before my phone died. Met and talked with a few people on my floor (3rd), one sister Natacha who is a lawyer and abstract painter, had a nice set up with her pieces, not too many, just the right size.  Her work is bright and colorful, layering her colors to create depth and movement. Her partner, Cynthia did the lighting. The artwork by everyone is great, even the not so great art got bumped up a notch somehow. A few other artists who I met before were at the opening, Larry Jones, Ishmail Reaves, Stephanie Smith to name a few, their work is part of the photo essay. It didn't seem like a lot of people were at Artomatic, until you tried to get on an elevator.  Most people went to the top and worked their way down.  The lower floors were not crowded.
Larry Jones

Ishmail Reaves

Stephanie Smith

Julie Mack
LenDeh Sherman Art

My buddy Sarah
Catching up with my new buddy Sarah, who is on the 11th floor, and does these awesome light bulbs that I want to buy, we decided to walk around and go to a floor we hadn't been on before. Saw a wonderful artists work named Focsi, does the afro-chyck style art. So much to see that there are areas with sofas for people to sit and enjoy the view on every floor. We ended up on my floor and I had to sit down, by this time it was almost 11pm.....oooh late! NOT! Just didn't realize that I had been walking around since 7pm. Wanted to stay and hear the bands play, but my stomach said "feed me!" and it could not be ignored. I did have a few beers and a few glasses of wine before that at the reception. There was finger food at the reception and I had managed to take a few cookies, so all was not lost.  But this was art overkill!! My head couldn't take another performance, art filled moment or artist. So I opted to leave, travelling alone has it disadvantages, but they can be life saving advantages in the end. 


Getting home and thinking it was a great time to blog, I sat down at my computer and realized, "Houston, I have a problem!" my computer has an unwanted guest and now I whip out my IT repair hat and try to fix it. Had to hurl my IT hat across the floor! ended up taking my laptop to the geek squad at Best buy for them to tell me it's a virus! and they want $200 to fix it! Dude, I said, just give me the step by step and we'll go from there.  When I got home and tried to do what he said, it didn't work. So, after mumbling several expletives, I called my computer guru cousin in law Bo, things got better secured and my files restored.  Thanks to him, I can live to blog another day!! 

Taking and editing pictures as fast as I can to update the photo essay page.  There is so much art! My artist interviews are many and I'm editing them to post.  My friends are doing very interesting things. So stay tuned, its coming! See you next time, same blog time, same blog channel!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Met a new artist LenDeh Sherman. She is a artist at artomatic 3rd floor rm 301. Check her water colors and Ink drawings. Awesome artist attched to her work.

Got a little crazy last night. Didn't get to post live all evening, my phone died from taking too many pictures! Will add more tomorrow.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Avi wisinia band

Fwd: avi wisinia froman

Avi wisinia front man and band members rehearsing.
Tonight I will be posting live. Just attended the VIP reception. Oh so grand, got some pics. Will have periodic post throughout the evening. Dont need anymore wine. Yes, its early, but hey its opening night!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The End of the Road-Artomatic

The Red Chicks Debut 
The Road Ends - Artomatic Begins

The Red Chicks Debut
These past few days have been hectic, somewhat frustrating but mostly exciting.  After glazing and hand finishing stoneware pieces, I got down with  the Red chicks.  Last post talked about fixing her arm which broke in several places. I mixed up some paint to match her natural color mixed it with spackle and fixed her arm. Now she is a red garnet color, instead of coronet.  Gave her the name Mercy, why? she just looked like that's what she was saying in her pose.  Mercy was very cooperative, unlike some of my chicks, she was a breeze to finish.

This is her on her pedestal at Artomatic. She is a nice dark metallic garnet. I noticed in my installation that the new hand treated stoneware pieces had some type of metallic glaze or finish mixed with a little acrylic. My Nephilm (angels) are glazed with a wash of  
metallic, making them look old, but maintaining the opaqueness of the paint. Washes, are thinned down versions of the paint being used.  The paint glided over her like it was meant to be and she of course, took it very well.  The broken part of her arm now hidden. I'm good like that, if I must say so myself.  Mercy, graciously let me finish her and stepped aside to make room for my red bottom chick who needed her dusty butt waxed.

Red Hot is special type chick, she is difficult, brash and bootylicious all in the same breath.  Someone  asked what made me have her face down butt up, my response was, that's what the stone dictated. When I get stone, it may not be carved for a while. The stone will be flipped around until it speaks to me. There is stone that hasn't been carved because the image it holds within has not been revealed to me, or maybe the artistic eye hasn't found it yet. But when that eye saw her form, it was on! Especially, since she was a last minute decision, so time was of the essence.  Our interaction was red, hot and intense. Working feverishly to at least flesh out her form, keeping it easy breezy was a challenge. Her breaking  in two was not her fault, just a consequence of trying to get things my way, when its the stones way. Knowing time was an issue, maybe I pushed to hard too fast and broke her.  But nevertheless, we made up, she got put back together and it was on again!

Now, in the last two days before her debut, we spend countless hours together, filing, rasping and sanding until 2-3  in the morning. All stone has striations (lines, veins), so I tried to blend the line where it cracked into the body of the stone. Her dusty torso, hiding the real beauty underneath, taunting me to get her polished  off. Friday night, was the turning point, having already sanded her once, the count down began.  Most pieces  are give 13-16 sandings, using different grits ranging from 60 grit (stripper) to 800-2000 grit (super fine sand paper). 600 grit is usually good enough for soapstone.  Red Hot demanded 800 grit to make her smooth round booty really shine. Friday night she got sanded twice, between each sanding she is washed off to remove the dust. This is done to keep from adding scratches when moving to the next grit. I couldn't do anymore, couldn't stay awake, she wore me out.

Saturday, after watching my grandson, yes, I have one! we proceeded to continue our sanding dance. But watching an infant is hard work. Especially, when they are not yours. Its been along time since I've had to deal with a child who cant talk yet, with little to no idea what they are crying about.  Guess that's where maternal instincts kick in....right! I'm so removed from that, that I had to go looking for those instincts and then dust them off. By that time, I was through! Love my grandson no doubt, it was wonderful to be able to babysit, but Red Hot was on my mind, and little dude needed to go home so I could get back to work. At 1am, I'm sanding away and realize that my brain has shut down, my eyes cant focus and my head hurts.  Trudging through two sandings, it was all I could do to stay awake. Had to do more, Sunday was the last day to install and I had to get her down there no matter what.

Sunday morning around 8am, I jumped up like my pants were on fire, made my coffee and grits, then proceeded to get down to the nitty gritty of getting her butt done. Red Hot became my ride or die chick at that moment, she cooperated fully and the sanding was on! Was glad to get to wet sanding, where the color really starts to come through, these are the last four sandings before polishing. It was noon, had to get to the space by 4:30, to tweak my space and add my name tags and put Red Hot in her place. When working on stone, I become really anal, wanting perfection, when its not reached I will work until it is. The final step was happening, we both felt a sense of relief.  Red Hot was ready to get hot, she was heated up slightly, and applied a marble polish.  The heat allows the wax to sink in and be absorbed by the stone. Now its wax on, wax off. By 1:30, Red Hot was cooling down temperature wise, but her color became red hot and beautiful. She was done, and I...satisfied.

So may I introduce Red Hot Mama

This is the stones true color, red with yellow flecks. The soapstone is called red delco. She made it to Artomatic and took the her rightful place amongst my other chicks and her big booty attracted a lot of attention. Very proud of her outcome, I think she's pleased too.

The Road Ends, Artomatic Begins

Arriving at my space on the 3rd floor, the tweaking began. Put up my about me stuff, which will be tweaked again and changed on opening night. I was really surprised at the number of people there installing and even more surprised at the number of people who had not come to install at all, it was already after 4:30 on the last day,10pm was the cutoff time. The road to Artomatic has been an interesting one. In the beginning, there was not much to photograph now there's waaay too much. Each floor has a grid on the walls where artist can post a flier telling people where they are.  Any artist/performer can be in artomatic professional or not.  I was really impressed with the setup that most artist had, it looked professional and well put together.  There was also a lot of questionable exhibits. Before leaving, I started on the 11th floor and decided to look around.  Why did I do that! There was so much to look at, it was overload.  So much creative energy, it was amazing to see the talent this venue has brought out.  So many artist go unrecognized, but famous or not, any buyer would not be disappointed if they purchased a piece by the unknown, or little known local artist. Now all the artist interviews I've been promising, and the events begin. The kickoff date is this Friday 6-10pm.  Will take plenty of photos. Make sure you check out the photo essay. It's now posted.  look forward to chatting with you next time, same blog time, same blog channel.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The End of the Road to Artomatic

-Update on Red Hot Mama

Its getting close to the end of the road. Last day for installation is Sunday. Then the chaos/fun begins. The road opens up into 4 speeding lanes of events, performances, tours, workshops, 5 weeks long. Boy, having days free right now has come in handy.  Don't know how I would have pulled this off working all day.  But there are super people everywhere who are doing just that, more power to you!!

I have spent the past two days in the space, painting tubes over and over again.  They are so absorbent that it took three coats of paint just so you don't see the writing.  At one point I said fuck it! they are covered and that's good enough. But you know how anal artists become when their work is going on display, Everything has to be just so... at least for me it does.  Its okay, it could be better and I will be there tomorrow to tweak it further to my liking. Cause its all about me in my space, other artists are definitely out to make sure people stop by to at least look.  A lot of photographers and painters, nothing against you guys, some are really spectacular, others, well you know, lack a certain something. Plan to take pictures of the space, people are still installing and my area looks a little sparse.  I noticed that more people are there in the evening now, since there's only three days left.

Thought I would show a little preview of whats to come.  I'm on the 3rd floor, rm 321, near the ladies room, that's important!! I must say with these pictures, Here it Comes!! Gyrlfriend in the center adds some color, so will the pieces.Will show you whats around me when it all goes up.

On the flip side, I'm still trying to get pieces together for my pedestals. Have some fantastic ceramic pieces and of course Red Hot Mama.  At this time, she is slow but steady. I will give her til Sunday to get done. She's been cooperative and now its just detail work and finishing. Doesn't sound like a lot, but its time consuming. Hopefully, since I'm appeasing her, all will go well & she may make it in Artomatic.
Check out the other red chick whose arm I'm fixing, she might be at Artomatic, not sure.  Step one of fixing the cracks in her arm has begun.  Mixed a little Spackle with some terra cotta  colored paint and filled in the cracks. Began to sand the area smooth, and she will ready for color. She's going to be a dark coronet color, (dark Red) with a little metallic feel.
The Beautiful Ones always smash the picture, always every time!! She's even fuzzy when she does it!! She has a few sistas, similar to the fates, they will be at Artomatic.
I will be in another exhibit in June at Sandy Spring Museum, in Sandy Spring Maryland.  More to come on that.  Gotta go, my back is kickin' like the last piece of chicken!...must take pain killers! Stay tuned, its gonna get Hot in Herre! More events and pictures, updates on local happenings etc.  Will see you soon, same blog time, same blog channel!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Red Hot Mama- The Saga Continues

Mending Moments in Ceramics
The Road to Artomatic-My Installation Progress
My Evening at Wholefoods

Red Hot Mama- The Saga Continues

It all started Thursday, a work day to allow me time to finish sanding my purple speckled piece and work on this red hot chile o'mine. Thing were going well, using my grinder and my new diamond point bit, I defined her body, the lines creating her hair. Mommy and her cats seemed to have moved to my neighbors yard.  I could see them over the fence, and felt free to sit in my backyard to work without feeling like an intruder. Afterwards, I put red hot mama on a sandbag and began to file. Mistakenly, I decided to chisel a little piece of stone from between her legs...then it happened.  The top of her broke off, sliding slightly sideways in slow motion.  My lips formed the words "oh shit!" seconds after the words came out of my mouth. Fortunately, it was just the top part and I had two pieces instead of many. No large chunks missing. There are no words to describe the sinking feeling in my stomach, not knowing if I could save her and finish her in time for Artomatic. Time was ticking, and I had to quickly search for a solution that provided maximum adhesion along with water & heat resistant. Basically something that could handle the process of finishing her off.

Friday morning I headed to home depot. After going on-line to sculpture house to find what would work to fix my stone, I decided to get an epoxy, and ended up with liquid nails, a product I have used before, so I gave it a shot.  So far so good.

 I felt so bad that this p.i.t.a. was suffering so. But I still needed to get rid of excess stone from between her legs and around her body. Will try a different size grinding tool to make that work.  The crack runs across her back and down the sides of her body and across the back of her legs.  Liquid Nails doesn't ooze, so I can sand the crack down. Can't totally get rid of it, but it wont look like it was broken.  Her suffering is short lived, we are back on track and I'm shaping her arms and hands. I now use a few braces to secure her if I need to chisel. To reduce further damage and suffering for us both, the rubber bands criss-crossing her body firmly hold her in place while she is gently chiseled. I am sensitive to the needs of my womyn. They represent me, so they must get the ultimate treatment, no matter how much they blow my mind.

Since Friday, she has changed little. I've done clean up work, smoothed down the crack of the break to blend it with the rest of the stone.  All has been well, until this chick decided now she has to flake pieces off in various areas close to or along the crack line. Give me a break! No don't! this breaking stuff seems to be catching, I have this chick cracking, flaking and just being a pain and my ceramic pieces are back from being fired and I have to fix an arm on one of those.  For the next few days I will have to be diligent working on her, otherwise, she will not have an appearance at Artomatic.

Now that her shape is defined, her apple bottom flows into the curve of her leg. There is a sexy little twist to her body that arches her bottom up, causing her knees to bend slightly. A side view of ample bosom shows on her right side, a tempting tease to the fullness of the rest of her. Thick legs support all her rear glory, while her arms, slightly slender, supports the weight of her upper body as she lays on the stone. Her hair is tussled over her face in luxurious waves.  At least that's what I envisioned, she has different ideas. Red hot mama is not giving up the goods to make my vision a reality. It must work, so the struggle to complete her continues. Its a thin crack between love and hate, and I love to hate her, the dance electric intensifies.

Mending Moments in Ceramics
This is the chick whose arm I had to fix. A mix of wood putty and flesh tone paint will fill in the cracks and make it look like new.... a little trick I learned when something ceramic breaks.  Since I don't glaze, breaks are a challenge to fix and hide.  How I finish it will also play a role in how well the cracks are hidden. I invested in some Martha Stewart Metallic Glaze, available at home depot in the paint section. The glaze is sheer color that will allow me to work from a light base to a darker glaze. Its has a acrylic base, so it can be thinned down with water if needed to keep it thin enough to make adjustments or changes.  Starting off too thick will leave no room for mistakes.  The jars are 12oz and are meant for small work, like creating decorative molding or end pieces.  We shall see how it works on clay. Gel stain works for terra cotta colored clay, but I want to try layering the colors. Shes another red chick in the making. Good! just what I needed!!!

The Road To Artomatic- My Installation Progress

Friday I made it to my space to paint my tubes.  It was an undertaking all its own.  My motto is to work smarter not harder, but it wasn't until near the end that I figured out how to do that. Painting tubes almost your height can put a strain on a persons back.  I like to believe I have youthful energy, however, my body will beg to differ on how much youthfulness really exists. So I pulled up a chair, put on my old gloves that have three fingers exposed to the first knuckle.  I bought them that way. My old Shakespeare 2008 work shirt and proceeded to paint the tubes.  It wasn't until tube number 4 that I figured out if I paint it halfway down then turned it upside down and painted the rest, not only did it go faster, but I got a second coat of paint on without having to paint it twice. It could have gone faster, but about an hour into working, I met Diana the 3rd floor monitor, we talked and I convinced myself to go to Starbucks for a pick me up. The other floor monitor, whose name I forgot went with me.  Shes a photographer with two small kids.  More power to her. I admire those who can raise multiples, it seems so overwhelming, but I digress.

After my sugar infusion of coffee, caramel frapp and whip cream I was off, ready to get'er done! Had my ipod on trying not to sing, like anyone would hear me.  I am totally surprised that I was the only one in my section which still looks deserted.  People are waiting until the last minute and I'm trying not to be in here at the last minute. So I will hopefully be finished by Friday.  At first, my dilemma was getting something to fit on top of the tubes that I can sit my pieces on.  Today, I solved that by getting purple foam insulation sheets, which I can cut with a sawsall into circular tops, and paint them white. Hopefully, I can get more tubes, this week.  Bought out the ones at home depot. Time to raid Lowe's! Twelve would fill the space well. I stayed until 8:15 painting these cumbersome pillars.

Diana, 3rd floor monitor

I also have an idea for a center piece.  An older half life size armature that sort of looks like stone, but the top is sunken in slightly and can hold pieces of stone chips.  I often save some of the larger chips that break off the stone, if they are large enough, they are used to make necklace pieces.  I'm not a jewelry maker, this is something I do for myself or as a gift. It would add a spot of color to the other wise all white columns. 

center piece

Purple chick w/no name
My purplish deckle piece is now sanded and polished. It was a nice experiment, however the deckles make her look busy and too much detail is lost within the color flecks. If I use this stone again, my figure will be more organic looking and larger. This is the chick with no name. My time with her was so short and barely memorable.  I was amazed at how soft the stone was once I began carving, and cutting. She decided to be husky, her back robust and strong. She is a flat butt sista, most of her curve is in her hips. Her face at an odd angle, almost disappearing amongst the lines in the stone.  Her hair lines cross the grain lines in the stone, they too almost fade within the busy pattern.  She was an easy piece to do, my only issues was her flat bottom and her legs. An issue I resolved to be satisfied enough to let her be.  What to name her I don't know, While I work on my ceramic pieces. I will gaze at her and think of something.  Only thing that comes to mind is "Cant let go," cause she seems to have  G.I. Jane grip action happening w/the stone. The ease in which I did her, makes it hard to deal with the red Hot mama drama. Whatever her name or title turns out to be, she will be at Artomatic.

I plan to go back to the space on Wednesday, hopefully I will have my tops cut and my other tubes ready to be painted.  I want to be done before last minute weekend madness starts.
Purple chick w/no name

My Evening at Whole Foods
My Saturday was spent picking up my ceramic pieces from Creative Clay Studio in Arlington, VA.  a great place to go purchase clay and have your pieces fired.  Bought some new clay that I can have fired in the gas kiln and it come out looking like stone, cool! Saves my the trouble of having to manipulate the surface, (which is always fun) to create a stone or wood effect. After that the tasks of shopping for new jewelry for my piercings and a new hat for summer, go Kangol!, I had a wonderful dinner at the usual hangout spot Fridays near Foggy Bottom and had a few drinks at the special Cinco De Mayo Day price then proceeded to Whole Foods before going home.  Took some pictures since they were so nice and accommodating. Thank you Whole Foods, you got good cookies!

Had such a nice day, Sunday is a work day and obviously a blog posting day which has turned into a blog posting morning. Will have more about my installation, ceramic pieces, there are 13 of them! and of course the Red hot mama drama saga.  Got to work her out and polish her off!    Tune in next time for the updates, same blog time, same blog channel!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Road To Artomatic pt. VI

- Featuring the plight of Red Hot Mama

Just a brief update on Artomatic. Its really starting to look good, got to see a few things on Tuesday. I am on the Professional Development Committee and we were there to see how things were going.  An awesome guy named Steve built a bar from some of the office doors. Cool!  In the stage area the graffiti was looking great. Got a few pics of that from the first floor stage room. 

Some other cool things coming to Artomatic-International Night!! on June 21 &22. Stay tuned for more information on that.  Other local bands will be performing also.  There will be a beer and wine tasting. Once I get all the inside info, will let y'all know.

My space at Artomatic is still empty, but not for long! Today I purchased 6 heavy cardboard tubes for concrete molds. Now I have to find suitable tops for them.  I already have two. To my dismay, I can only think to paint them white.  Its neutral enough not to interfere with the pieces. Since there is/was a budget,  the white paint was the cheapest to white pedestals it is.  Hopefully,  I can may my space look warm and inviting.  I'm thinking of creative ways to jazz them up a tad without taking away from their main purpose; to display my stone and ceramic pieces. It needs to be simple and inexpensive, already a few ideas come to mind. Will expound on those later. For now, I have to figure out where to put these tubes, cant open the front door. They are  about chest height, lightweight, but a little cumbersome.

Tomorrow I get to drop it off in my space.  Maybe my brother in law will let me take a picture! updates soon.  Now on to....

The Plight of Red Hot Mama

Red Hot Mama is a real gas, doin' good & doin' fast, she was smokin' -
ride on red hot mama gyrl you sure can do it to me!-

What  she's been doing is trying to make my head explode.  The last time I talked about her I was rounding her booty, found a hairline crack that ran across the back of her legs and around to her sides.  It was getting difficult to keep from causing that crack to deepen. Decided to use my dremel, to grind and shape her butt and legs. She's such a p.i.t.a. when I tried to put in undercuts to help define her body, usually a very simple task.  At this point, we  should connecting to  begin our conversation. But not this one! she wants to make me work on her ass-ets, while in the process, my diamond tip taper bit broke off up her lovely red rear end! Great! She better be worth it!! 

Her head is still buried within the stone. Her essence still truly hidden, and for now her lack of cooperation makes me want to hurl her across the room. I'm still drawn to her like a moth to a flame.  Something about her pulls me to her, entices me to work on her despite my frustration. I am shaping the breast on her right side, only a side view will show. She looks quite submissive in a way, which is somewhat alluring too. The true joy is in the shaping of the torso, finding the curves in the lines and the body becomes one fluid motion, head to toe. 

Of course, all this grinding has to take place outside, too much dust to keep it in doors. So, out back I go, & scampering away are the baby kittens. The little grey one stopped and looked at me like I was the intruder on their space.  He didn't run right away, but eventually ran into my neighbors yard.  After having a cat for several years, I have no need for more, however, I  leave water for the mother cat.  No food as I do not want them to expect it and bring others to the free meal. I was asked to post a picture of the kittens and just because, the cats haven't  been seen for the last day or so.  I thought the mother cat had  moved them, but I saw them today in the backyard, she was nursing the cats, only one was running around playing. Its not the best picture, they run away when I open the door. I didn't work outside today, had to replace my diamond bit!(that b****) Plan on burning the midnight lamp a little tonight. May use it to set the red hot mama on fire! Tonight its about her 

Will try to get more pictures of the kittens.
Until next time, see you here, same blog time, same blog channel!!!