Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Villains

Corcoran Finale
Just a Touch

It's the most wonderful time of the year! when you spend all your money, and then act like a dummy,while spreading good cheer. Its the most wonderful time of the year! Unless....

Your a mean one, Mr. Grinch, 
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel.
Mr. Grinch!

You're a bad banana
With a greasy black peel.

Ah the nostalgia of it all. Remember watching Dr. Seuss cartoon every Xmas!  I even learned the song!  What was most intriguing wasn't the message these Xmas specials gave, it was the villains who were the "odd balls" and who were ostracized for their ill behavior which is a direct result of their well intentions being taken not so well. Somehow I could relate to their anger and existence. I still do. For a while, I even thought of myself as a grinch because the holidays sucked. Now, not so much a grinch, but the holidays still suck a little. The grand baby makes it a little nicer. I digress.

Anyway, did you know that the Grinch song was sung by Thurl Albert Hague who was the voice of Tony the Tiger!(They're great!) it was such a dark and slimy song. Love it! The villains in the Xmas specials were always more interesting than the ones who saved the day. Guess they are a necessary evil. LOL   For instance, Bumble the Abominable snowman was the ultimate scary monster! At least at the North Pole. There is a cartoon special coming on tonight on Cartoon Network called Abominable Christmas, gotta see this! I got two of these, one large that growls when you squeeze his hand and a small one. He doesn't look scary, he looks adorable! But he scared all those who lived at the North Pole, probably cause they were mean to him and wouldn't let him play in any of the reindeer games! Why not terrorize those who isolated and alienated him because he was a big furry snowball with teeth. I believe he was bullied as a young bumble and he never recovered. The Grinch, had a heart two sizes too small, and didn't understand the happiness of the Whos during the holidays. Who understands the overly xmasy perkiness of the Whos in Whoville? They are just too fucking happy. I don't live there, but I'm already tired of Xmas songs, trees, lights, ugh pleez! Maybe its because Xmas is too commercialized for me....grinch.

Another villain is the Bugermeister, Meisterburger which means Mayor or master citizen in German. He is the Mayor of Somber town, and hates toys and children because he accidentally tripped on a toy.  Hey, it only took one child for me to realize that I didn't want anymore and I've tripped over toys and swore I would never buy him another, but I did.  Don't hate kids, but there is a definite time limit with them. I can understand his dismay, even I give in and try to spread joy and toys for Xmas. Except for one time just to teach a lesson, but we won't talk about that. A lot of us wish we could be kids again, and some of us are still kids at heart,nevertheless some parts of childhood was not the best. For me, misery  was being at school, at home, I created my own world that was fun and free from judgement. The joys of childhood.

Along other frosty villains, The Winter Warlock was my favorite, he refused to let anyone pass into Somber town or vice versa. In Santa Claus is Coming To Town, he is depicted as mean wintry magical guy with a major chip on his shoulder.  The guy had never received a toy train as a child. When Kris Kringle gave him one, he chilled out and became friends with the future Santa.  See a little kindness goes a long way! Mine has just run it's long way out, for some people. Love his long pointy nose. I've always been fascinated with this type of animation. Something about making puppets/figures has always been alluring.

His opposite, Heatmeister is another story. He appears in the Year Without Santa Claus, and is Winter Warlocks half brother, Mother Nature is their mother. He is a demon-like being who lives in a volcano with his imp-like minions all identical miniature versions of himself, and controls warm weather all over the world. He can melt anything he touches and can create objects made from fire. oooooh! His mean, grumpy, hot-tempered and constantly angry personality comes from the fact he feels Santa's unfair to him, giving Snow Miser free publicity while he gets none, and from the fact (Mother Nature) likes Snow Miser better, so he isn't evil at all. Just another jaded soul who feels he's been wrongly treated. Too much angst, letitgo, just letitgo. 

These shows were so much fun to watch and still are. They bring back good memories of my childhood that are recaptured every time I watch them. awww! The newer versions don't resonate as well, maybe because there is too much story and special effects. 

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Xmas special is the triumphant realization that being kept out of reindeer games and isolated from the other deer sometimes can make a deer stronger and others eventually recognize their special skills when those skills become beneficial to them.  But not without the hard put downs and isolation; haters. Another outcast Hermey the elf who dreams of being a dentist, is also shunned by the other elves because he doesn't want to make toys. A trait all elves possess? What's wrong with having strong teeth that can withstand constant chattering in the frozen North Pole tundra? Now that I'm older, I put too much thought into the underlying message of good will towards men and animals alike. Guess that much kills it. 


Thursday Night was the opening reception for the Arts 101 program. The students work looked really good and four students came, which was a definite surprise. So many of them blew it off and said they weren't coming.  I only have a few pictures, Kasi my teaching partner and photographer took most of them. Will post them when I have them. Kasi said a few words, then the students spoke and gave each of us a book with their pictures and a few sentences about their experience with us, I was so touched.  See, I can spend quality time (45 mins) with students and have a good time and produce wonderful art. LOL

The art teacher, who so graciously allowed us in her classroom every Friday, Ms. Cammille Taylor, made us feel welcomed in the midst of chaos. She spoke briefly at the opening.  It was great to see artwork from the other school students who participated. There was food and juice/water. The kids all enjoyed themselves with a scavenger hunt and other little goodies just for them.  Their work is in the gallery until January 7, 2013. I feel so proud and honored to have worked with the 7th grade students at the Brookland Educational Campus at Bunker Hill.


I'm nearing the end of my piece, now named Abierto meaning Opening. I chose this name because she seems to be open/opening in various ways. In some ways the innuendos are intentional and some not, they just happened. Like the dark brown striation that runs down the inner thigh towards the vaginal area. It's all a little anti climatic now that she's being sanded, perhaps this feeling contributes to my bah humbug attitude. It was so exciting working out the details and challenging my skills to carve better. Her beauty is undeniable and is evident in the color of the stone. A creamy white alabaster with brown-dark brown striations running through it, and a slight ochre-yellow color splotched on the thigh and in the hair. Now that she's been sanded a few times, the smoothness of the stone is becoming evident and the color is really becoming deeper. Wet sanding will intensify this effect, causing the underlying colors within the stone to become more visible. Polishing will seal it.

The repetitive act of sanding also diminishes the excitement first held somewhat. It's a meditative process and actually quite gratifying. The momentum is what I want to keep going, feel like I should be creating more pieces. I relate this to chasing a high, a feeling of euphoria, or sugar rush. What do I know about these things? That's a topic for another discussion. LOL My main concern is the fault line that runs across the hair and leg of the piece. Some areas have become a little flaky and little holes open up when sanded over. This is what Abierto is about. So far no problems with the fault line,it should be fine, but it can't be sanded it out. There is another view of Abierto in the StoneWomynArt New Works tab.

Tis' the season to be jolly, so I will be that and be thankful for all I have. Enjoy the little things that make it great. Hope you all have a Merry Xmas. Thanks for reading my blog. Ho, Ho, Ho!

See you next time....

Same blog time, Same blog channel!

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