Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Michellevember-A Neurtoic Tale of Shopping

Michellevember wrapped up on Sunday with a nice little bow.  I had pizza and beer with my family and watched my favorite Serial Killer, Dexter. Have to elaborate on my fascination with serial killers and crime shows in another post. Every day was a joy and a blessing in some way, and I enjoyed eighteen days of it! The celebration was extended a few days so I could be with family and friends, and to drink on their dime, quarters and benjamins. LoL

Thursday, the big day! it started off with a morning breakfast at IHOP. My husband and I go to the one in Columbia Heights. Yes, we travel for better service and immediate seating.  During the week in the morning is not crowded, not like closer to the lunch hour. A breakfast plate is enough by itself, then they add pancakes on the side, then add coffee. Way too much food for me, so I eat what I can without over stuffing (how many people have this problem?). Gotta be able to walk, not roll out of the place! LOL After the wonderfully filling birthday breakfast, we ran a few other errands then I prepared to hang out with my buddy Sarah.

Hanging out with Sarah is always a lot of fun. We had decided to check out Third Thursday at the Touchstone, mainly for the wine, the art was nice too. Plus, this lasts until 8pm, with restaurants close by.  We hung around the small gallery discussing various pieces.  What a nice change of pace! to be able to discuss art with someone who is not the artist. Usually, I attend openings alone, but this time I had company with an opinion.  It was great! Have exciting new exhibits to write about, but that's for another post.

After a few cups of Pinot Grigio, we decided to walk down to Austin Grill for a light supper and a few drinks. We sat at one of the bar tables and ordered margaritas and guacamole with chips. We split a casadilla and I had two drinks.  We laughed and talked for a long while. We tried to take a picture, but it came out grainy cause it was so dark in there. It wasn't a party till you drop type of night, it was long enough to make me feel all warm and fuzzy with just enough going on to keep me awake without sensory overload. The ride home on the train was sobering, kept me on my "P's & Q's". Forgot what they are, but I was on them!

Michellevember, included lunch with my co teaching partner Kasi, some cool beauty products from Whole foods (who knew!), a few new pieces of clothing. Yes, can we talk about that! I hate shopping! all shopping, grocery shopping especially.  Who ever said shopping made them feel better, they LIED! I was more distraught coming out of the store, than when I went in. Just wanted a new pair of jeans and a top, why was this feat so difficult? Well, thank you (not really!) to whoever decided to put spandex in their fabric, while it allows a nicer fit, it also allows for a smaller size....some people should avoid this maneuver, it perpetuates the sausage body look. Anyway, it makes me have to try on pants, ugh! Depending on how the pants are cut I can drop down two sizes.  I should be delighted by this knowledge, however it prolongs the amount of time spent trying on shit. Don't want a tight fit, just a nice fit! So after trying on three different sizes of the same thing, I was ready to go. Ended up buying more than what I went for...isn't that how it works!  They lure you in with the promise of discount prices, shiny bobbles and things!  I ended up with a turtle neck, jeans, a faux fur vest (this was nicely priced) and a jacket-top that has gold metal studs down the front, open shoulder sleeves and zips.  Think its a sweat suit jacket, didn't want to entertain the idea trying on the pants to match, I was through.

After I was satisfied and becoming more distraught by the moment, I went and paid for my items. Spending more than anticipated, I wanted to run out the store screaming "take it back!, take it all back!" I became a babbling brook talking to myself about how this bamboozling happened. Frantically, I called my husband to whine, yes whine about my purchase and how it didn't feel good, but I couldn't make myself turn around and go back into that  forbidden clothes hole Ashley Stewart to return my new things.  He laughed at me and said, "happy birthday! you spent a little over a $100 enjoy, treat yourself, be happy!" BE HAPPY! I quip, how can I do that when I bought all this stuff?! Why doesn't the new purchases feel good.  It was so overwhelming that I forgot to buy me a salad from Quiznos before going home. I just made a "B" line for subway, had to get away from that place. Felt like there was some weird spell put on me to part with my money. It took me a day or two to get over it and wear the items. The faux fur vest made be feel all furry and fuzzy, especially when a light jacket was put over it.  Its too light weight to be an outside vest, maybe if it was a tad warmer, it could be worn alone with a turtle neck. I'm always cold so that idea was out of the question, especially in the evening.

Well, now that you've experienced my neurosis, you can imagine what it's like for me grocery shopping! I make a list, stick to it and get the hell out as soon as humanly possible. My distraught-ness is superseded by the need to get make the next bus. If anything is forgotten, oh well. I will go back eventually, and get the forgotten item.

My first gift, The Vonda Boot, by Dr. Marten are still "all that" and the shitkickers are worn proudly every chance available. Saw some studded leggings and a jean skirt that would look nice with the leggings and my boots.  Been there, done that with leggings, so I'm not especially excited about repeating history.  But obviously its a new history, cause leggings are the new "gross wear" in women's clothing. Sistas need a better way to wear them (like a top that covers your ass), its not cute. Gotta work up the mental juices to go in and get the skirt and leggings without purchasing anything else and without getting too distraught over the whole process.

Switching gears, I'm working on a new piece.  The image has not been totally fleshed out cause she changes position when the angle is different. This is going to be a difficult bitch.  The stone is really beautiful and like most pieces, photographs good when its a dusty piece of rock, when polished not so great a photo does it take. From the front, the head is down and the hair will hang down in the face.  She is sitting in a squatting position, although one leg can lay sideways as if they are sitting in a partial butterfly pose, or the leg can be up so the entire body is supported by the legs and butt. Its complicated to explain and she is revealing herself slowly. I need to take her outside and put some definite cut lines in areas to help me flesh her out. Very hesitant to do that because they are hard to take out, if things are off proportion wise. Must take a chance, sometimes they come out better when I have no clue as to if it will work or not. The red numbers is the vend number used by store, they will be sanded off as the piece progresses. The shape is more visible from the side, the leg and head positions are clearer to see than from the front. Check StoneWomynArt New Works tab, will post an update picture when more gets done.

Now that Michellevember has concluded, its back to focusing on the art scene and other items of interest, such as my serial killer fascination! Thank you for reading my posts, hope you enjoyed my neurotic moments exposed!

See you next time at the....

Same blog time, Same blog channel!

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